Australians have a distinct perspective on what makes for a comfortable retirement. This view is shaped by a unique blend of lifestyle choices, financial stability, healthcare accessibility, and the understanding of superannuation.

Lifestyle Choices

Many Australians aspire to maintain their current lifestyle post-retirement1. The idea of a “comfortable” retirement often includes the ability to afford regular leisure activities, like travel, dining out, and participating in community events2.

Financial Stability

The Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (ASFA) has established benchmarks for a “comfortable” and “modest” retirement lifestyle3. The “comfortable” benchmark allows for a broader range of leisure activities and a good standard of living. As of 2021, it is estimated that couples would need about AUD $640,000 and singles about AUD $545,000 in superannuation at retirement age to achieve this comfort level4.

Health Care Accessibility

Healthcare is a significant consideration in retirement. Australians often regard access to high-quality healthcare, whether it’s private health insurance or Medicare, as a critical element of a comfortable retirement5.

Understanding Superannuation

Superannuation is a way Australians save for retirement6. Having a strong understanding of superannuation, its benefits, and how to optimize it is key to achieving a comfortable retirement.

In conclusion, a comfortable retirement for Australians isn’t just about finances. It’s about maintaining their lifestyle, having access to quality healthcare, and optimising their superannuation. Understanding these factors is essential for anyone planning their retirement in Australia. To get a better understanding of your “Comfortable Retirement” life please reach out to one of the Inspired Money team to book a time for an obligation-free chat.

This article was written by Director & Senior Adviser Shane Mitchell and provides general information that should not be considered personalised financial advice. If you have specific questions or concerns book a session to review your retirement plan or any other financial planning issue contact Shane directly on 08 6222 7909 or book a meeting directly via his booking page.





ASIC’s Moneysmart Australian Unity ASFA SuperGuide Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Australian Taxation Office


  1. ASIC’s Moneysmart Retirement Planner
  2. Australian Unity Wellbeing Index
  3. ASFA Retirement Standard
  4. SuperGuide Superannuation and retirement planning
  5. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
  6. ATO – Super for Individuals
Shane Mitchell

Written by

Shane Mitchell

Director | Senior Financial Adviser

Shane Mitchell is an experienced Financial Adviser who is committed to making personal wealth management more accessible to the general population.
